Friday, 21 December 2012

Subject:Compounding Power of Money.

The no 72 is a metaphor for the multiplying potential  of money .For most people this potential  has been lost as a result of inappropriate  financial decisions. We at power of 72 aim to help you unlock this hidden potential of money to multiply by creating an action blueprint for you to follow: What is commonly called a financial plan.
Q1   How does the no 72 help me get an idea of investments:
In the investment world we are often offered products with differing returns; A  fixed deposit  with a guaranteed return of 9%,a MF with an indicated return of 12% .How do we make sense of these differing nos other than the obvious fact of higher returns being more desired. Well for one we could find out the value of 100 Rs  invested in each of these instruments at the end of a period say 10 yrs.  Here is where 72 comes in handy for on dividing 72 by the expected return we get the doubling time for that investment. So the fixed deposit  will double your money in 72/9 i.e  8  yrs, whereas the mf will do so in 72/12 i.e 6 yrs. Here is a summary of  the values of the 2  investments in 24 yrs.
Instrument               Orignal Value     Rs 200 in _ yrs       Rs 400 in _ yrs     Rs 800      Rs 1600               final
Fixed Deposit           Rs 100             8  yrs                      16  yrs                 24 yrs               -                     Rs   800
 MF                                  Rs 100           6 yrs                         12 yrs                 18 yrs          24 yrs                Rs 1600

As you can see the difference of a mere 3% in the return has led to a capital which 2 times more in a period of 24 yrs  : a substantial difference. Thus  the no 72 helps us understand  the compounding power of returns.
Q2 Why is the potential of money to multiply as illustrated by the no 72 not working for most of us:
Well the short answer is mainly inflation :The long answer quite a bit longer . Lets  start with inflation and leave the long answer for later on .Inflation is the scenario where everything becomes more expensive. So the basket of products and services we get for  100 Rs today becomes  costlier everyday .If inflation is 6% then in 12 yrs time(72/6)the cost of this basket will be Rs 200 and in 24 yrs(12yrs*2) Rs 400.So while our money is multiplying in the bank ,inflation is working at eroding its value.As a result the purchasing power of the money in a savings ac would be Rs 8 times/4 times=2 times and in the MF 16 times/4 times=4 times.
Q3 How can we tackle inflation and still increase our wealth by using the power of 72:
The best way to tackle inflation is to invest some of your money at least in inflation beating investments. What we mean by inflation beating investments is assets whose return over time are quite a bit higher than inflation. The asset classes  that have consistently done that in the past are Equity and Property; however there is a catch: the returns are variable ie to get a higher return on average you have to take the risk that returns for a particular year may be negative.
Q4 What are the other factors that limit/increase the power of 72:
Well man is not just an investing unit but also an earning and consuming unit. To the extent that the income is above the expense an individual would be able to either generate a surplus or create a deficit. This will impinge on his investing abilities and either enhance his wealth or reduce it.
The next article will focus on portfolio selection.
72 Financial
Failing to plan is Planning to fail.

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